Mon 27 Jan
▓ ☆ I ☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO..HIghlY SKiLLeD!! ☜SPECIALS☞ ☆ÅddI©+!V€⇨ R€@dy & Waiting 100% REAL♥ - 22
(Bronx, Serious Callers💞)
💋New!! Top of the line, #1 gentlemens choice, I will go above& beyond to satisfy your needs - 23
(Incall Seekonk/ providence, Providence)
(NEW) OpenMinDeD *36D* EX0TiC BL0NDiE ( VIP ) (S)en (M)assage (P)rostate (P)lay ۞ NEW IN TOWN - 22
💋💖 Call Me 💎 NOW! 💄Leaving Wednesday! 👠🍒👑👙 Pretty Saint Pink 🍭💄 The Best 🎆🎇 Ever🎁😊 - 22
(Columbus, East Side ~UPSCALE LOCATION Incall 247~)
HoT EbONY BABE (¯`'.¸ .*¨*.; ___ _ ❤ NO FUSS : NO RUSH ❤ ___ _*¨*.¸. ' ´¯) - 22
(Westheimer & I610 and Surrounding)
call for HH specials...very *talented* amazing* sexy* skilled* Jenni - 25
(Columbus, north side incall/ outcall)
call me anytime this is tess incall deal outready 614315-7384 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
New pics! Same AMAZING Provider!! I'm exactly what your heart desires...available NOW!!! - 24
(, providence **incalls**)
★ HOT ( EXOTIC SxY ~ CuT! ) ★ vErY OPeN mINdED NEW [LATINA & ASIAN] - 21
(Houston, Bammel+Spring+Humble-1960 WEST 45NORTH)
New in town ♥ beautiful, lovely LATINA, 1 or 2 girls available - 25
(Ventura, Camarrillo/ Thousand Oaks)
80New to town bestdeal°8080° Craving Something Sweet && Petite°·° INCALLS ONLY CALL 8038479663 - 19 - 19
(Memphis, 808(East memphis/My place Incalls Only!))
Hot Tottie Ready To Be !!! Lets Play!!! (Outcall only!) - 20
(Houston, Houston / Northwest / 10w / westheimer)
★ HoT EbOnY ♥★1OO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD ♥★CuTe FaCe ♥★pHAt aZz $75 Specials Incalls Only! - 23
(Houston, Hwy 59 & GESSNER Incalls only!!!)
College Girl is Fetish Friendly and into Role Play. Available Now! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
.*¨¨*- :¦:-* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. SWEET*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* & SEXY - 21
(Orange County)
College Girl is Fetish Friendly and into Role Play. Available Now! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Com *** Shower *** With this Dirty Girl ****** Golden ****** - 45
(Columbus, Columbus West, Hilliard)
New in town 🍒🍡Sweet treat🌹🌹🌹up all night🌜🌞OUTcalls SPECIALs🍡🍦 - 21
NEW IN TOWN🌆 here for a short time only! 100% real! Upscale & ready for a good time😘 - 21
(Providence, Providence/pawtucket incalls)
¡Çûm Ęńjøÿ Çårłÿ'š Ńęw Ÿęår Špęçįåł Ńøw! 3473449821 Įtåłįåń & Pûęrtø Rįçåń Wįth Ńø Łįmįtåtįøń - 21
(Bronx, Fordham Road)
★ ALL Nakid MOST Flexible Asian Yoga Instructor ★ HERE NOW ★ 2 Nakid Instructors Only $60 - 21
(Orange County, Garden Grove - Private)
CLiCK here if you REQUiRE only **THE BEST** SWEET & petite 115lbs - 20
(161 / 71 area)
Outcall Spcl *FETISH FRIENDLY* Southern Playmate Cassidy Available 24/7 I aim to please!! - 23
(Sarasota, Anywhere you want me to be ;-))
Hot !!! new latinas ! and good touch for your lovely in call 718.772.4421 in call - 29
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
★•☆• ALL DAY FiVe {{★}} SeRviCe!! •—! —• ERoTic SeEvice...... - 19
(Orange County, Garden GroveAnaheim/Long Beach)
👉((CLiCk HER)) 👌🎀🎀°o ♥ o° ——C*R*A*Z*Y 👢 💓 S*K*I*L*L*S— 💓👀—— (( ✰ 💰BEST SPECIALS 💰✰ )) —☎CALL NOW☎——👀 - 21
(Columbus, 💦💦☔🏠 UPSCLAE LOCATION 🏠💧☔💦💦)
Hot Sexy BLONDE - new Pictures ~ * ~ one of a kind ~ * ~ CALL ME NOW IM ready :) - 22
(Houston, Outcall preferred/ Incalls optional)
All American Blonde ... Sparkling Green Eyes .... No Bait N Switch ...10000% Me - 22
(Costa Mesa In N Out 150% Me)
Need Sum SpiCe in your LiFe?! :) avail now! incalls only **new location** GReAT Reviws on - 24
(, *****PaWtUcKeT Ri ***right OFF 95)
ALL AmerICan Girl NExt Door Type ** BLONDE ** ALL AmerICan Girl NExt Door Type *** BLONDE *** - 20
(Orange County)
___⬜_🔴_⬜_🔴【 P E R F E C T 】💖.【 C H O I C E 】 _⬜ 🔴🔴_⬜ 💖💖💖___ ONE LOVE __💖💖💖941-706-3417 - 23
(9 fillmore dr (st armands cir )sarasota, Sarasota)
CliCk HeRe For A UnfOrGettAbLe ExPeRieNcE WiTH NicOle -Im SeXy SWeeT & PeTiTe- - 20
(Columbus, Northside)
Open 24/7🍒 New Girls 🍒 GIA 🍒 KAYLA 🍒 LAUREN 🍒Come Experience the Royal treat 🍒 100%real picture - 18
(Bradenton, Fort Myers, Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
Cinco DeMayo !!!!! BIG BOOTY Bbw Cutie!!!!! Azz Man's PARADISE!! Come put them 💋 💋 💋 On 58inches - 28
(Columbus, North in call)
*aLErT*:: CUBAN HOT~N3$$ :: J3rs3Y SHoRE SLuT :::: $50 B**L**0**W & Go :::: $60 QuiCK ~ E - 21
✨ Open 24/7✨💥WELCOME BACK ✨ 💥 Alli 💥 Brittany 💥Selene 💥✨ ENJOY NEW FACES 💎 100%real pictures 💎 - 18
(bradenton, Sarasota)
N A U G H T Y or Nice IM Everything Nice!!5 $TAR Experience - 25
(, RI/CT/MA IN/OUT CAll 4 Details (warwick))
*-:¦:-* One in a *MILLION*... Top-notch Brunette Bunny! Upscale Provider! Leaving@ 7pm!! *-:¦:-* - 23
(Sarasota, OUTCALLS ONLY ***Specials***)
^+^ ChOcoLaTe CaNdY^+^ nEw PiCs:: AwEsOmE rEviEwS*last few days in town - 25
(Columbus, northside columbus.outcall everywhere!)
Look no further,SBBW 5 ST🌟R Latina..🔥Smokin Hot Babe, Experience this 6"1 Amazon Beauty💋💄👠 Tight & J - 23
(165th & Brook ave, incalls only, Bronx, Manhattan, Other, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)